01851334433 || Email : info@cpaghs.edu.bd

Location :Bondhor, Chittagong

Admission Form

To be filled by Guardian

Note: Dependent means the son of the officer/employee and fatherless brother or half brother below 21 years of age if they are wholly dependent on the officer/employee and the father is not alive.

Student's Date-of-Birth

The student is dependent on the guardian

Which school student came from

For Port, Please bring the following documents along with the filled form.

  • Photocopy of Port ID Card.
  • Photocopy of first and last page of medical book.
  • Photocopy of NID Card (Father-Mother)

For Outsider, Please bring the following documents along with the filled form.

  • Photocopy of NID Card (Father-Mother)
  • Photo – 2 copies (recently taken)
  • Birth Certificate Photocopy (Online English)

This form is not editable, please give your correct information carefully.